The “presidential lie”.. Farmajo claims that he has been infected with Corona

Somalia | Times Of Sudan

It seems that Farmajo’s plan, in the time of Corona, to present April Fools to become in March!

Where the media of Farmajo is promoting his infection with the Corona virus in circles loyal to the outgoing president.

According to the monitoring team, the pro-Farmajo pages and accounts on social media are promoting this “presidential lie” at a time when Somalia is experiencing a political vacuum and economic collapse in a very large way, which is what Muhammad Abdullah Farmajo is, the most prominent reason for, which is what Farmajo sought, by fabricating a lie He was infected with the virus to steal the spotlight from the loud voices surrounding the holding of national elections in which Farmajo, openly, creates political tensions and destroys democracy, which is the backbone of political stability in the country.

Sources close to the decision-makers of the interim federal government, the “caretaker government,” stated that what was promoted by social media outlets loyal to the outgoing Somali president about his infection with the Corona virus was untrue.

According to the sources, the announcement and promotion of Farmajo’s injury in Corona, at this time, comes to gain sympathy from the popular segment loyal to him, especially in light of the catastrophic economic and health collapse there and the resulting extreme poverty and tragic living conditions for which Farmajo bears responsibility in the first place, and the Somali citizen pays its tax.

The announcement met with mixed reactions on social media, as the largest segment did not believe the injury, and some suggested that Farmajo wanted to say that he had not received the vaccine yet and wanted to appear in a transparent manner in front of the people, while the lie of Farmajo and his health authorities continued regarding numbers Coronavirus infections and deaths within the Somali states, and no precautionary measures were taken in the first place.

Meanwhile, an investigation into corruption allegations is underway at the Federal Ministry of Health.

The investigation has so far uncovered evidence of embezzlement and false invoices, and corruption has spread to other federal ministries, and bank accounts are being investigated in which funds from unjustified transactions were deposited at the heart of the investigation.

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